Student Evaluation in the Subject of Technology in Primary Schools in Slovakia


  • Danka Lukáčová Department of Technology and Information Technologies, Faculty of Education Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Dražovská 4, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia
  • Patrik Botló Department of Technology and Information Technologies, Faculty of Education Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Dražovská 4, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia



evaluation, teacher, technology, knowledge, skills


Aim. School evaluation is a sensitive process that involves teachers, students, and their parents in various ways. This article focuses on researching student evaluation by teachers in the subject of Technology in Slovak primary schools. The research aims to determine how teachers assess students in the subject of Technology.

Methods. As a research tool, we used a self-designed questionnaire for teachers. We analysed the respondents' answers using descriptive statistical methods. To ascertain differences in responses between qualified and unqualified teachers, we employed the chi-square test.

Results. By analysing the data obtained from 107 questionnaires, we found that technology teachers mostly employ an individual approach when evaluating students and emphasise the practical aspects of the subject. Among the evaluation methods, grading scales for summative student assessment prevail. At the same time, there were statistically significant differences between qualified and unqualified teachers. We also observed statistically significant differences in evaluations between qualified and unqualified teachers.

Conclusion. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure an increase in the number of qualified and internally motivated technology teachers in primary schools, as only such teachers can motivate and inspire their students to pursue this field of study.


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Author Biographies

  • Danka Lukáčová, Department of Technology and Information Technologies, Faculty of Education Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Dražovská 4, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia

    doc. PaedDr. Danka Lukáčová, PhD. works as an associate professor in didactics, didactics of technical subjects. She is a graduate of the Master's degree in Teaching Mathematics and Fundamentals of Technology. Since 2010 she has been working at the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra as an associate professor of didactics. She has been researching the curriculum of technical subjects at primary schools in the Slovak Republic for a long time.

  • Patrik Botló, Department of Technology and Information Technologies, Faculty of Education Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Dražovská 4, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia

    Mgr. Mgr. Patrik Botló is a graduate of the study programme Teaching of the subject of Technology - extension studies. He is a long-time primary school teacher, author of the thesis "Evaluation of pupils in the subject of Technology". 


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How to Cite

Lukáčová, D. ., & Botló, P. (2024). Student Evaluation in the Subject of Technology in Primary Schools in Slovakia. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 15(1), 535-548.