
  • Iveta Kepule Rezekne Academy of Technologies Atbrīvošanas aleja 115, Rezekne, Latvia
  • AINA STRODE Rezekne Academy of Technologies Atbrīvošanas aleja 115, Rezekne, Latvia



social environment, self-expression skills, music education, questionnaires


Aim. The aim of the research is to study the usage of primary school pupils’ self-expression skills acquired within music education in various social contexts.

Methods. Theoretical research method – the analysis of literature, empirical data acquisition method – questionnaire. Statistical data processing has been carried out in IBM SPSS 23 programme, using the following data processing methods: frequency analysis; Mann-Whitney U test for the comparison of two independent groups; Kruskal-Wallis test for the comparison of three or more independent groups; Kendall rank correlation coefficient for the assessment of associations between two variables.

Results. In the development of self-expression skills, an important aspect is the social performance criterion that is based on pupils’ need for self-expression in a social environment of practising music. Age and gender-based correlations in the assessment of a self-expression skill criterion "Social performance" indicate that with age pupils become more independent and engaged in music-related social activities. Girls are socially more active and emotional and engage in artistic activities more often. The research confirms the role of teachers in the development of pupils’ self-expression skills, promoting integration of formal and informal learning process and transformation in formal and informal learning environment.

Conclusions. The dynamics and interactions of self-expression skills’ development factors (social, emotional and intellectual) defines pupils’ individual self-expression skills and development tendencies. Self-expression is important for pupils in social aspect, as it is related to socialisation in microenvironment (family) and macroenvironment (friends) and affects cooperation and communication.


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Author Biographies

  • Iveta Kepule, Rezekne Academy of Technologies Atbrīvošanas aleja 115, Rezekne, Latvia

    PhD candidate, M.paed., music teacher.

    Author of more than 15 scientific publications. The participant of conferences in Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Estonia. Area of scientific interests: Music education, Music therapy in inclusive education, Music in competences approach of education.    


  • AINA STRODE, Rezekne Academy of Technologies Atbrīvošanas aleja 115, Rezekne, Latvia


    Associate professor of Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Lead researcher of Research Institute for Regional Studies

    Author of more than 70 scientific publications. The participant of conferences in Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, France, Portugal, Spain. Area of scientific interests: Pedagogy of arts and design, Design study in multidisciplinary context.



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How to Cite

Kepule, I., & STRODE, A. . (2020). THE SOCIAL ASPECT OF THE USAGE OF PUPILS’ SELF-EXPRESSION SKILLS ACQUIRED WITHIN MUSIC EDUCATION. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 11(2), 101-113.