The Philosophical Context of Curriculum Innovations with a Focus on Competence Development
competence pedagogy, philosophical context, education, curriculum innovation, acceptance of othernessAbstract
Aim. The article describes the philosophical background of competency education and analyses the weaknesses that are present in curriculum changes, focusing on the absence of dynamic acceptance of otherness.
Concept. The starting point is a reflection on the philosophical background of education as a repetition and production of the same. The basic principles of the post-metaphysical approach of education to otherness and the interpretation of the innovation curriculum in relation to these principles are presented.
Results. Curricular changes and innovations appear to be cosmetic adjustments in which the traditional philosophical and pedagogical principles of passive reception of knowledge and acquisition of large amounts of knowledge are preserved.
Conclusion. Changing the curriculum requires a change in teachers' attitudes as well as a change in the school education system. It is necessary to define who the teacher is, who the pupil is. Parents must identify with curricular reform and see it as a positive change for their children.
Cognitive value. Curricular reform cannot be done without systemic changes in education. All participants in the change must be familiar with and identify with the new paradigm and its philosophical background, otherwise it will not be possible to realise the transition to competency pedagogy.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Peter Kondrla, Radoslav Lojan, Patrik Maturkanič, Yulia Nickolaeva Biryukova, Ernel González Mastrapa

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