Development of Competencies by Students. The Case of the University of Lodz
competencies, competency development, human capital, university, Poland, labour marketAbstract
Aim. One of the challenges of the labour market in Poland is to match competences adequately to the needs of employers and to enable future employees, including students, to acquire these competences before they start their careers. The aim of the research was to answer the questions, which methods of developing competencies are known to the students, which are used by them and how do they assess their effectiveness.
Methods. The research was carried out by mix-mode method, using quantitative (CAWI, N=352) and qualitative (IDI, N=10) surveys, and the respondents were students of the University of Lodz.
Results. The results indicate that the best known and most commonly used methods of developing competencies are: individual self-education, classes at university, professional work, internships, apprenticeships, voluntary work, trainings, workshops, courses. As regards the evaluation of the effectiveness of the indicated methods of developing competencies, the students considered professional work to be the most effective method. Moreover, the results indicate that each of the methods of developing competencies may be effective, and the effectiveness depends on several factors.
Conclusion. Therefore, it seems crucial not only for students to know and use various methods of developing competencies, but also for universities to ensure high quality activities, so that they effectively support the development of students' competencies and respond to the needs of the labour market.
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