Ecopedagogy: Biology Learning Profile Of High School In Pulau Timor
Biology Learning, model ecopedagogy, contextual, local wisdomAbstract
Aim. The purpose of this article is to increase human ecological awareness to protect, care for and preserve nature, its application in Indonesian schools is still limited. This study uses a qualitative model and aims to describe ecopedagogical models in biology learning and identify supporting factors in the implementation of the high school program.
Methods. This research involved 300 grade 10 students and 20 biology teachers at Kupang High School in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Observations, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation were used to collect data about the implementation profile of the Ecopedagogy model.
Results. The results of the study show that: expedagogical learning models must be developed by considering local cultural wisdom, teachers use textual lecture methods in carrying out environment-based learning, learning has not paid attention to local culture. society in a sustainable manner; integration of expedagogical models in media and teaching materials in Biology learning, student enthusiasm if learning is done contextually with an expedagogical approach.
Conclusion. Textual learning must be changed to contextual learning. The curriculum in schools is required to be used in limited complexity by involving the local community, in order to train students' abilities to collaborate, communicate, and improve their skills. there is the development of an expedagogical learning model that pays attention to local cultural wisdom in terms of planning, implementation and evaluation of learning through intensive training activities, bearing in mind that teachers do not yet understand the steps for preparing media and teaching materials according to the curriculum.
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