Role of Saudi Universities in Spreading the Culture of Social Responsibility Based on the Experiences of Malaysian and Canadian Universities
Saudi universitiesAbstract
Aim. This research paper aims to identify the role of Saudi universities in spreading the culture of social responsibility based on the experiences of Malaysian and Canadian universities.
Methods. The author adopted the descriptive analytical approach based on the literature review and analysing the experiences of Saudi, Malaysian, and Canadian universities.
Results. The results showed that the Saudi Ministry of Education should play its role in institutionalising social responsibility in Saudi universities and the higher education sector, e.g., promoting social responsibility practices at universities as a part of the ministry’s strategy.
Conclusion. In the light of the results obtained the officials of Saudi universities can benefit from the experience of Malaysian and Canadian universities to spread the culture of social responsibility. This research recommends raising the awareness of university students of the importance of university social responsibility as a strategy to motivate them to participate in various community activities and programmes.
Originality. This research is considered one of the fewest studies that analysed the experiences of Saudi, Malaysian, and Canadian universities.
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