Home-Field-Temple as Existentials of Ukrainian Culture
existential, identity, national mentality, archetype, Home, Field, TempleAbstract
Aim. To analyse the spiritual and mental existentials of Ukrainian culture, which allows identifying the immanent features of Ukrainian culture itself through the symbolic-thematic series Home-Field-Temple and examine the symbolism of the concepts “Home,” “Field,” and “Temple.”
Results. The thesis that spiritual and mental existentials, in particular the Home-Field-Temple, reveal the mentality of the Ukrainian people, its spiritual and cultural identity has been further developed.
Conclusion. The essence of the mentality of the Ukrainian people is revealed with the help of spiritual and mental existentials Home-Field-Temple. They play an important part in the creation of a single mental field of the Ukrainian nation, being revealed in its ideological life by certain inclinations or archetypes. The Home-Field-Temple symbol is a reference point for searching for certain archetypes of the nation. The concepts of Home-Field-Temple symbolise the trinity of one spiritual state of man, which is objectified in three guises. These concepts are so intertwined in the minds of Ukrainians that they see them as an inseparable unity – something symbolising their homeland. Home, land, and church have always been reliable support for the Ukrainian people.
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