digital teaching material, online environment, organization of online teaching, testing and assessment, the InternetAbstract
Aim. Extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic have led to new ways of learning and teaching, with students and teachers facing many challenges. The aim of the research was to examine attitudes and to determine the impressions and experiences of respondents regarding online teaching as well as to investigate and evaluate learning goals with regard to the SARS-COV-2 virus pandemic.
Methods. The research was conducted in the Republic of Croatia on a sample of 1533 university students. A survey questionnaire designed specifically for the purposes of this research was used.Consisted of three independent variables and ten dependent variables related to online teaching.
Results. The data obtained show that in online teaching, the respondents mostly used programs such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Merlin, while the least of them used Skype. Regarding testing and assessment, i.e. the grading of success in online teaching, respondents stated that teachers had mostly used colloquia (20.6%) and written exams (19.8%) for grading, while live exams had been used the least. The largest number of research participants, 61.9% of them, expressed the opinion that the criteria and grading procedures were clear and published before individual teaching units
Conclusion. Faculties should design different syllabuses for conducting online classes. Centres should be provided/established with the task of collecting digital teaching materials, processing, and storing them, and making them available to teachers and students.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Maja Ružić-Baf, Sandra Kadum, Katarina Kvaranta

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