Facebook as an Information Management Tool – In Light of the Research Conducted Among Polish Students


  • Malwina Popiołek Jagiellonian University
  • Bogusław Walenty Nierenberg Jagiellonian University


Facebook, social network sites, social media, information society


The paper offers a look at Facebook social service from the point of view of information management in an information society. The article presents a description and comparison of two sets of focus group research. The study was carried out among students in an academic center in a small city (population of 120 thousand), and in an academic center in a big city (population exceeding 750 thousand). The research was aimed at exploring issues related to using Facebook, in particular including the issue of motives related to creating a profile on the service and using it in everyday life. The research has revealed three categories related to Facebook use: a need for security in the scope of access to information, a need to possess a tool facilitating management of information-communication processes, as well as respondent’s dislike for Facebook. In the final part, the paper presents conclusions, but also limitations of the described research.



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Author Biographies

  • Malwina Popiołek, Jagiellonian University

    PhD, lecturer

    scientific interests: communication

  • Bogusław Walenty Nierenberg, Jagiellonian University

    PhD, professor

    scientific interests: communication


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How to Cite

Popiołek, M., & Nierenberg, B. W. (2017). Facebook as an Information Management Tool – In Light of the Research Conducted Among Polish Students. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 8(2), 89-102. https://www.jecs.pl/index.php/jecs/article/view/10.15503.jecs20172.89.102